Uganda: The Pastoral Leadership Training Institute Resumption

Uganda: The Pastoral Leadership Training Institute Resumption

The Pastoral Leadership Training Institute (PLTI) trains pastors and church leaders in Biblical, theological, leadership, and reconciliation principles and practices while cultivating pastoral skills and encouraging an expansive love of God and others. The program seeks to achieve ALARM’s goal which is to strengthen and empower the African church by equipping the untrained leadership with basic pastoral skill and ministerial tools. Our passion is to enable the African leaders to develop Biblically-based churches that are spiritually vibrant and whose message is culturally relevant, ministering to the whole person and bringing hope and healing to the hurting communities.

In 2016, ALARM Uganda implemented the Kyotera PLTI for 70 participants. Because of a lack of funding and the challenges of COVID-19, the completion of this program had been delayed. From May 31st – June 4th, ALARM Uganda resumed training for the 41 returning participants. After the completion of this session, ALARM Uganda remains in need of funding for 3 more sessions to graduate this class of PLTI participants. As these pastors are trained in developing a deeper knowledge and foundation in ministry through the Gospel’s teachings, they are equipped to effectively lead their churches and communities.