Burundi: Peacebuilding Training for Military Officers

Burundi: Peacebuilding Training for Military Officers

ALARM Burundi, in partnership with the Christian Military Community of Burundi (CMCB), facilitated a peacebuilding training for 35 military officers and 5 of their wives. ALARM recognizes the importance of developing leaders in servant leadership so that those who lead will look after the well-being of their families and communities over their own personal and tribal interests. ALARM Burundi aims to empower these military officers in peacebuilding by (1) bringing them closer to their families, (2) educating them in their role in peacebuilding as Christian military officers, (3) promoting Christian leadership as a critical part of peacebuilding, and (4) reconciling faith and the military profession. As these officers attended this training, they also each received a Bible, notebook, and pen. “I have followed these teachings with great interest, and I am satisfied. Personally, these teachings have transformed my thoughts, my attitude, and surely will change my way of doing and leading. Before it was difficult for me to think about my Christian values before doing my professional obligations, but now I will take it into consideration, and I am confident that it will pay off. I will share these teachings with those who I lead. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the realization of this training”.